Professor Satoshi Wada was awarded the ICAE 2019 Award./工学院的和田智志教授在关于尖端电子材料的国际会议“ICAE2019”上获得表彰

12/02/2019 English

 Professor Satoshi Wada was awarded the International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE) 2019 Award for his significant contribution to the ICAE through the management as one of the organizers and numbers of lectures on the development of dielectric and piezoelectric materials. The award ceremony was held at Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel (the venue of the ICAE 2019) on 7th Nnovember.

 澳门皇冠体育_皇冠足球比分-【VIP专线直播】元年11月5日(星期二)~ 11月8日(星期五),在大韩民国济州市召开的关于尖端电子材料的国际会议“International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE)”上,工学院应用化学系的和田智志教授荣获了2019年IEAC Award。
 和田教授获得的ICAE Award是表彰在每年对该会议的举办、运营等方面做出重大贡献的研究人员的奖项。