Mr. Uenishi received the IPSJ Outstanding Paper Award / 硕士课程工学专业计算机理工课程(当时)的上西和树等人的论文荣获信息处理学会2019年度论文奖

06/25/2020 English

 A paper authored by Mr. Kazuki Uenishi (Completed a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering, now at IVIS inc.) and his colleagues has been awarded the IPSJ Outstanding Paper Award. This award is given to the best author of a paper published in the Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan. In 2019, six papers were selected out of 563 papers eligible for selection.
 The title of his paper was “Unsupervised Representation Learning for 3D Point Set by using Generative Adversarial Neural Network”. This paper proposed and experimentally evaluated shape features for indexing, retrieval, and classification a large number of 3D shape data without categorical labels. They also showed that the application of Generative Adversarial Neural Network(GAN) , a type of deep learning technology, to 3D point sets enables them to obtain shape features with higher accuracy than previous research.
 Dr. Takahiko Furuya, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Engineering, and Dr. Ryutaro Ohbuchi, a doctor in the Faculty of Engineering, were jointly awarded.
 “I very honored to receive this honorable award for our paper,” said Mr. Uenishi, who received the award. “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Obuchi and Dr. Furuya, as well as to all the people who guided us and helped us in my research and writing of the paper.”

〇Awarded Papers
“Unsupervised Representation Learning for 3D Point Set by using Generative Adversarial Neural Network”
Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.60, No.7, pp.1315-1324, 2019.

IPSJ Outstanding Paper Award


 此次共同获奖的还有古屋贵彦 工学部助教和大渕竜太郎 工学部教授。

〇 获奖论
上西 和树,古屋 贵彦,大渕 竜太郎,
信息处理学会杂志,Vol.60, No.7, pp.1315-1324, 2019.


