A Memorandum of on the Use of Land, Buildings, Etc. in the Case of an Emergency Disaster Is Signed With NTT docomo/与NTT DOCOMO签订《关于紧急灾害时使用土地建筑物等的备忘录》
? On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, a memorandum on “Use of Land, Buildings, etc. in Case of Emergency Disaster” with NTT DOCOMO, INC. was signed at the Kofu Campus.
? The purpose of this memorandum is to establish a base of vehicles and other equipment on the university campus for the rapid restoration of mobile phones and for disaster recovery in the event that an emergency disaster is expected or occurs in the neighboring areas.
? At the signing ceremony,President Shinji Shimada said, “We never know when a disaster will strike. We hope that this initiative will bring peace of mind to the people of the region”, and NTT docomo’s Yamanashi branch manager Hitoshi Toyoda said, “We need stable communication services in times of disaster, and we would like to further promote disaster countermeasures in the future,” ?respectively. They also expressed their enthusiasm for contributing to the local community through mutual cooperation and collaboration in times of disaster.
澳门皇冠体育_皇冠足球比分-【VIP专线直播】2年9月1日(星期二),在甲府校区举行了与NTT DOCOMO的《关于紧急灾害时使用土地建筑物等的备忘录》的签订仪式。
签字仪式上,岛田真路校长致辞:“灾害不知道什么时候会发生,希望通过这个措施可以让住在这个地区的各位安心”,丰田等NTT DOCOMO山梨支店店长表示:“灾害发生时需要稳定的通信服务,今后将进一步推进灾害对策”,传达了在灾害发生时,通过相互协作共同服务地区社会的热情。