Communication and emergency vehicle movement drills was implemented/与NTT Docomo山梨分店共同实施应对紧急灾害的联络及紧急车辆转移训练
? On Thursday, September 24, 2020, a communication and emergency vehicle movement drill with the Yamanashi Branch of NTT DOCOMO was implemented at the Kofu Campus in preparation for an emergency disaster.
? Under the Memorandum on “Use of Land, Buildings, etc. in Case of Emergency Disaster,” in the event that an emergency disaster is expected or occurs in a neighboring area, a base of operations for disaster response vehicles and other vehicles will be set up on the university campus to enable rapid recovery of mobile phones and disaster recovery.
? In this drill, we confirmed the travel route and time required for the emergency vehicles owned by the store to get to the university, as well as the location of these vehicles at the university, based on the assumption that a typhoon would strike.
? Based on what was learned during the drill, we will continue to strengthen our system so that we can respond even more quickly.
澳门皇冠体育_皇冠足球比分-【VIP专线直播】2年9月24日(星期四),在甲府校区,与株式会社NTT Docomo山梨分店实施了紧急车辆转移训练,以应对紧急灾害。
- Emergency vehicles entering the area while checking the route./边确认路线边驶入的紧急车辆
- Vehicles used in the drill./ 训练中使用的车辆