Associate Professor Takuji Ooyama’s teaching case study was introduced in “Examples of universities taking effective countermeasures against the COVID-19” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/文部科学省在“有效应对新型冠状病毒感染的大学事例”中,对生命环境学部副教授 大山拓次的教学事例进行了介绍

09/16/2020 English

? On Monday, August 11, 2020, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) introduced on its website a teaching case study by Associate Professor Takuji Ooyama of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences as the only national university in Japan.
? The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology invited all national, public and private universities in Japan to submit their case studies, and this time, six universities, including our university, have been selected for the article.
? Associate Professor Ooyama’s teaching case study is “Effective Classroom Management with Consideration for the Risk of Infection.” By dividing students into multiple small groups and combining remote and face-to-face classes, depending on the content of their studies, this hybrid class was able to provide classes that are both efficient and considerate of the risk of infection. In addition, to implement the required experiments in a limited number of classes, some of the experimental processes were prepared by the teachers in advance to reduce the time spent on experiments in the class. The omitted experimental processes are explained in class to deepen students’ understanding.
? As well, Associate Professor Oyama will give a talk at the “Cyber Symposium on Sharing Initiatives for Remote University Classes from April” hosted by the National Institute of Informatics on Friday, September 11.

 澳门皇冠体育_皇冠足球比分-【VIP专线直播】2年8月11日(星期一),在文部科学省网站上登载的“关于在大学中应对新型冠状病毒感染对策的好事例”中,生命环境学部副教授 大山拓次的教学事例作为唯一一个国立大学的事例被介绍。