

Paper by Prof. Makoto Obata and his colleagues was selected to be featured on the supplementary cover of the journal ‘Langmuir’ issued by the American Chemical Society.
Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Perlis Prof. Dr. Zaliman Sahli visited University of Yamanashi
Paper by Prof. Kakinuma and his colleagues was selected to be featured on the back cover of the journal.
Mr. Muhamad Diki Permana won the best presentation awards in the 6th Ceramic Resources and Environmental Materials Division Symposium
Rin Takano, a first-year master’s student in the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural Sciences (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course), won the Best Presentation Award at the 72nd Japan Annual Meeting on Mass Analysis (June 2024).
Prof. Takahiro Takei of the Center for Crystal Science and Technology received the CerSJ Awards for academic achievements in ceramic science and technology
The Faculty of Economics from Khon Kaen University in Thailand visited University of Yamanashi
Ms. Annisa Andarini Ruti, a second-year master’s course student of Special Educational Program on River Basin Environmental Science in Department of Engineering, received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 8th ISFEV Conference
Prof. Eiji Haramoto of the Interdisciplinary Center for River Basin Environment received the 5th Japan Research Front Award from Clarivate Analytics
A paper by Prof. Makoto Uchida and his team at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center has been published in the academic journal ‘ACS Applied Energy Materials’ issued by the American Chemical Society. The graphical abstract of the paper has been selected as the Supplementary Cover Art.