Case report “A first Case of Meningitis/Encephalitis associated with SARS-Coronavirus-2” was published./由新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)引起的脑膜炎病例报告被刊登在《International Journal of Infectious Diseases》

04/09/2020 English

? A case report of a patient admitted to our university hospital with meningitis caused by the COVID-19, which is spreading rapidly around the world, has been published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Title: A First Case of Meningitis/Encephalitis associated with SARS-Coronavirus-2
First Author: Takeshi Moriguchi, Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Yamanashi Hospital
Last Author: Shinji Shimada, President of Yamanashi University
? This is the first paper to report that a novel coronavirus can cause meningitis as well as pneumonia in the world. It shows that patients with meningitis and encephalitis may be infected with the novel coronavirus, and the research team wants to “caution health care professionals around the world”.

International Journal of Infectious Diseases article page:

 在国际杂志《International Journal of Infectious Diseases》上刊登了一篇在我校附属医院住院中的因新冠病毒感染而引起脑膜炎的病例的报告论文。
题目:A first Case of Meningitis/Encephalitis associated with SARS-Coronavirus-2

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